Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So after finishing my 6th and 7th batches of beer, I look to the future...

What types of beer would I like to make next?  Well life - Inspire me!

1) Truly Bitchin' I.P.A. -  Well following a bad breakup, I'd love to dedicate a beer to all of my ex's - an intense India Pale Ale.  Like my ex girlfriends, this is a beer that you will fall in love with ...and will leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth...

2) Irish Red Sox Ale - Following tonight's 6-5 Sox win over the Yankees I would like to dedicate a beer to my favorite ball club. A perfect celebration beer for all the Bo Sox's summer victories!

3) Late-Night Lager - As a follow up to the Truly Bitchin IPA, the late-night lager is dedicated to the summer fling.  On one of those late summer nights when you find a cute girl still lingering around your apartment; this is the beer for you!  Take her out on your porch, knock a few back, and see what happens!

I'm going to finish off this Jameson and Pepsi, and continue to ponder which beer will come next...

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