Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dundee Beer Part 1: Honey Brown Lager

Okay so here is the first installment of my mix pack beer excursion...ENJOY!

I will score the beers of the Dundee mix pack via the 20 pt scale.  In this scale, points are awarded as follows:

Appearance - 3 pts

Aroma - 4 pts

Taste - 10 pts
-Hop/malt balance - 4 pts
-Aftertaste - 3 pts
-Mouth Feel - 3 pts

Overall Impression - 3 pts

*Beers scoring: 18-20 Excellent beer; 15-17 Very Good beer; 12-14 Good beer

I decided to kick off this review with Dundee's original - their Honey Brown Lager (4.5% ABV):

I crack open the brew and pour it into my glass to find that it is a beautiful golden color as I expected.  My first taste gives the impression of a typical lager very smooth and good drinkability.  However, there was definitely an added sweetness that gave this beer something else...

Appearance (3) - The beer was a beautiful golden hue when poured into a glass - fitting the personality of a lager perfectly.  However, the head retention was not the best I have ever seen...
Score - 2/3

Aroma (4) - My first impression of this beer was the aroma that arose from my glass as I poured it.  A sweet malt aroma hit my nose immediately and sent a positive first impression.  However, the smell lacked a hoppiness that I was searching for...
Score - 3/4

Taste (10) - The lighter malt flavors were okay, but as my nostrils first noticed, where's the hops!?! (2/4) 
The aftertaste of this beer is very mild, barely even noticeable.  Exactly what I expect from a crisp, clean, lager. (3/3)
As desired, this sweeter lager has a medium-light body which goes down very smooth.  However, it is not a carbonated as I want it to be. (2/3)
Total - 8/10

Overall Impression (3) - For what it is intended to be, this is a solid beer.  It is a clean, refreshing beer with slightly noticeable honey overtones.  I would expect a "craft beer" to be a little more creative, but the slight honey taste makes this beer worth a try.

TOTAL SCORE: 14/20 Good Beer

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